March 31, 2011

Q&A Thursday - Interview with Irene Peterson

I'm attempting to start a few weekly series posts on my blog and one of my friends graciously agreed to be #1! It's only fitting. I met Irene in 2005 at a street fair and she became my first official writer friend. I even Myspace'd her back then! Anyone still using that? Eh, that's a different post all together.

Enjoy & Comment!

What is the worst thing you’ve written, how did you learn or know it was bad, and what did you learn from it?

I wrote a fantasy trilogy, each book 125K words, on a Brother electric typewriter back in the early 80s. It may be dreck, but may be salvageable. Only problem is, it is hard copy only....There are magic people, dragons, wars, horses...all to hide the sorrow of three miscarriages. It worked.

Why did you start writing and when did you decide to go professional?
I started writing because I had to write. I've written nearly every day since I was 15. I tried to go pro in 1973 when I lost my teaching
job. Finally made it in 2006. How's that for persistence?

Do you write in more than one genre? Which ones and which do you like the best?

I write romance, women's fiction and fantasy. I really like mysteries, but I am not good with crimes. I'd make a terrible crook. Women's fiction is probably best for me.

Do you read other author’s books when you’re writing? If so, do you read the same genre or something different?

Sometimes I read other's books, most of the time when I am writing, I only read research material. During breaks in writing, I read anything I can get my hands on. I enjoy "funny" stories most.

What is the most difficult part of the entire writing process for you? Queries, pitches, editing..etc.

Easiest part is the writing. Hardest part is selling myself. I love signing my books, though. That's the coolest part of all.

If you could have the same type of career as any author currently publishing who would it be and why?

Anybody who writes one book a year and gets paid for it would be my ideal. Who does that? Anybody we know?

Author’s Biography: Irene Peterson has lived in a make believe world almost her entire life. She hails from Central Jersey where all the pools are above ground and all the front doors come from Home Depot. She is currently working on getting her kids out of university and a story about Long Beach Island during the week before the end of WWII.

You can find Irene online:

March 30, 2011

Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll...

Now that I've got your attention, I have a question for you.

What do you like to see on other people's blogs?

When I first started a blog on LiveJournal, it was therapeutic for me, an extension of the diary I've kept since 13 years old. Over the course of the last several years it's evolved into a pop culture-writing-reading type of blog.

I realize now that my blog isn't just for me anymore, it's for everyone. So, what would you like to see here? More TV, Movie, Book stuff? Reviews? Excerpts? Interviews & Blurbs from other authors? Writing tips and tricks? All of the above?

Speak and be heard!

March 28, 2011

Mistakes Newbie Writers Make

Well, I wasn't planning on blogging today, but after seeing this, (read it first if you want, but come back…please!) I have to chime in.

When my first "novel" came out, I was as green as they come. I didn't know Jack about the publishing world. I thought it would be cool to go to some AOL groups and post a blurb about my book to different places and see what happened. I was not ready for the nasty backlash that came after.

First, I should say, the book wasn't very good. The plot was interesting, my characters and dialogue were decent, but the rest, well, just bad. Bad writing, bad editing, bad bad bad.
The people in those AOL groups didn't have any problem telling me I sucked. They didn't have a problem pointing out that just jumping into their group and putting a blurb up wasn't going to help me either.

Some people were harsh and nasty. One was actually very kind and emailed me to explain how my attempt at self-promotion was the wrong way to go about doing it. She was right.
The whole incident helped me to build a thick skin and quickly taught me what NOT to do to get reviews and how not to piss off people. I was schooled the hard way.
Avoid it at all costs.

Here’s some tips I’ve learned.

1. Build A Thick Skin! If someone doesn’t like your book, it’s okay. Really! Do you like every book, movie, TV show, or play out there? No, of course you don’t. So expecting everyone to love your baby, while a great positive affirmation, is highly unlikely. If you don’t like the review, don’t use it, but remember, this person took the time to read (sometimes buy) your book, that in itself is a major feat for any writer.

2. No Spamming! Don’t post your blurbs everywhere and anywhere. If you’re a part of a writer’s group, feed, chat, etc., that’s awesome. Make sure you’re keeping up with it at least monthly if not weekly. If you return to these groups and post your new release then leave, you’re not going to make any friends and they’ll just think of you as a spammer.

3. Don’t Bitch! Someone will always HATE what you’ve written. It’s rarely personal and all a matter of opinion and we all know that everyone has one. If you bite back at someone who has something negative to say about you, you’re just adding fuel to the fire and making yourself less likeable in the long run. Remember, negativity breeds negativity, misery loves company yada yada, you know. Take it with a grain of salt.

4. Be Gracious, Always! Remember, the internet is FOREVER! Whatever you post out there can be found years from now. Even if you hate the review or comments about your work, thank the person for their comments. You’ll come across as more professional and people will take you seriously. A prime example is my Dear Author first page blog thread for Lucky’s Charm:

Many people didn’t like the first page. Many of them had really great comments that helped me tighten the story. I commented twice. Once with a revised version of the chapter (since it was posted six months after I’d written it and I revised it several more times). The second to thank everyone again for commenting. I never received any negative backlash for adding in the revised version, and even got a comment saying it was better. The great thing is that a few of those people said they would read the book, including a NYT Best Selling Author!

5. Listen And Learn! While you can’t please everyone all the time, you can learn by paying attention to what people say about your writing. Some of the bad comments I received about my early writing helped me grow. People pointed out my weaknesses early on, giving me the chance to hone my skills before I put another crappy book out there. Others pointed out my strengths, which I continue to use in my writing to this day. Your family, friends, and even some of your writer friends may only (and always) tell you that everything you write is magical and fantastic so they won’t hurt your feelings, but is that what you really want? Having a stranger tell you their opinion doesn’t mean it’s the truth, it’s just another point of view you should take into consideration. Some of those strangers may be your readers one day.

Have you had a bad review? What did you do? How do you deal with the negative feedback? I’d love to hear!

March 23, 2011

Pre-Pub Blog Day! Paying it Forward!

As some of you may know, I have a novella coming out this April! I'm super excited and have lots and lots of plans for everyone out there!

The first thing I've learned being involved in such great writer's groups the last few years is that everyone pays it forward. I'm no exception. I've made great friends, some who are published, others who are still climbing that hill and they need love and support too!

I'm starting a Pre-Pub Blog Day to help some of my friends gain exposure and build their online presence.

A Pre-Pub Author is someone who is still working on finding the right house for their work. Yes, they are writers! But no contract in hand, yet.

If you're among this group and would like to participate, please let me know! Leave a comment or send me an email

Happy Writing!

March 16, 2011

Follow Me!

I'm so excited for my novella releases this April and June that I want to make sure all my friends have a chance to win a free copy or perhaps a gift certificate to a book store! Gotta help out the industry right?

So, the first contest will be for friends only! How can you be certain to get a shot? It's easy, just follow me!

You have a few options:

Thanks for all your support!

March 15, 2011


Out of 74K+ People, Jenn has made it to round two of Charlie Sheen's Internship! HAHAH

I feel the TIGERBLOOD flowing!