March 25, 2016

MIND: The Emergence Cover reveal and Blurb!

Hey Everyone! 

I'm super happy to share the new cover of MIND: The Emergence with you. Check out the blurb, too!!
Kimkuta Wolf remembers everything, always has. Her unique ability gives her an edge as a journalist, but the stories she's covering no longer get the attention they deserve. After reporting on a missing person's case, she's attacked by a 'vampire' who she claims stole her memories. The doctors think she's crazy, but Kim knows better. She recruits her best friend, Lexa Quinn, to help find an ancient artifact her Grandfather's tribe swore to protect.
Duncan Ranger has finally settled into his new job as the head of MIND, the Meta-Alien Investigation and Neutralization Department tasked with monitoring the human psychic and alien population on Earth. When MIND stumbles onto clues that leads them to another mysterious piece of alien technology, Duncan arrives just in time to thwart a second attack on Kim and Lexa, two powerful women who may be more than human.
Together, with the help of the entire MIND team, Kim and Duncan embark on a journey of discovery, connecting their lives and those of their ancestors to an emergence of people with abilities, which may alter the course of human history forever.

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