July 12, 2007

It's been a while....since

So, yeah, I've been a crappy blogger lately. Ah well, not may people read this stuff anyway. For those of you who do, I promise to try to entertain tonight.

Movie news:
Yes, I went to see Transformers and Harry Potter on their opening nights. The new theater by my house kicks ass. It wasn't crowded at all! I loved both movies, though the stories were lacking somewhat.

Transformers was great eye candy and Jenn had to squeal when Prime transformed in the alley!!! *Squee* The whole plot was a little weak, but Bay made up for it with the action and FX. I have to say, I like Shia, a lot. I remember watching him in Project Greenlight and seeing him in Holes. Of course, my roomie one-upped me, he knew him from Even Steven. *shrug*

Harry Potter wasn't as fun FX wise, but it sure as hell did a great job at the end with the big fight. And if you don't just love Tonks and Luna, that's a shame. Such great casting all around. Even second string Dumbledore did will this time…when he was around. I couldn't help but sit there in the theater wishing it was my books that came to life on screen. One day, maybe.

Writing news:
I got the brochure WoW is using for their launch, but I can't post anything from it yet. I should be hearing from the cover artist soon with the changes and then I have to think about the cover for book two. Aside from that, I'm going through the text one last time for typos and such...I've found a few, and of course, I found parts I want to change, but it's too late for those kind of fixes now.

I'm still stuck in the second Lucky book. It keeps wanting to be mushy and I keep trying to steer away from it. I mean, sure, there should be some tenderness in every book but it doesn't really fit in all the time with the plot. Hard to make a killer have a heart...who woulda thunk it. LOL

TV news:
I started watching the first few episodes of 4400 already. The DVR is recording, of course. So far, so good. Looks like it may be an interesting season. I missed the first two of Dead Zone, so I'll probably not watch it this time around. Ah well. SYTYCD is getting really good. I can't wait to see how good they really are when they start changing partners.

Did anyone watch "Don't Forget the Lyrics" or "Singing Bee" yesterday? Seems like DFtL is easier, but Singing Bee is more fun to watch and play a long with. They both have flaws but still, a Karaoke show on TV...that's awesome! I could have gone into NYC for the auditions last week, but I get real bad stage fright when singing in front of strangers...so knowing I'm on TV would just make it worse...Still, I'd kick ass with all the song I know.

Book news:
I just ordered HP7 and the new Jack Reacher book. I may actually sit down and read them when I get them. That would be a change, considering I have a stack of books on my shelf that have been sitting there for months and haven't been read. I go through these phases where I'm really interested or obsessed with something and go completely overboard (Remember three seasons of LOST in two weeks?) Well, there was a time when I was reading a book and finishing it in a day and a half...sometimes one day. I need to get back to that place, but I just can't seem to get motivated to do it.

Personal news:
I'm going to my mom's tomorrow. I'm sure she doesn't want to be alone. It'll be the 23 anniversary of my brother's death. I can't believe it's been that long. This year, it's more crappy because July 13th 1984 was also a Friday...bleh.

I got a random text message from an old flame today...odd. He wants to meet up to tell me about his new business opportunity. Whee...and here I was thinking he just wanted to come hang out with me. Nah, that never happens. Anytime anyone wants to hang out with, there's usually strings attached or stipulations. Figures, he's just like the rest of them.

Other news:
I’ve been trying to get a forum up on my website, but I keep getting spam. A hell of a lot of spam. Almost ten a day. Does anyone know anything about php boards and would like to help me?

I’m also getting read to put together something to help me promote my books. I’m trying to think of everything a writer could do: signings, donating a book to the library, blurbs from authors, online promoting, newsletters, website, forum, communities, reviews, virtual book tours, blog interviews…and so on. I don’t have many connections. I’ve tried to make friendly with other writers. I have with some, others I haven’t been as lucky. So we’ll see how that all goes.

Anywho, how are you? I’ve been reading…just haven’t had a chance to post. Tell me something I don’t know!

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