May 16, 2016

TV Season Finales 2nd Edition!

Yup 9 more shows on my list are done for the season. It's starting to wind down now. For me, that usually means more writing time and good thing, I have a book to finish before the end of June!!

Remember, there's always the potential for SPOILERS so read ahead at your own risk.


I'm not kidding.

I'm not sure why I'm still watching this show. I love Lucy Liu and the cast overall is great. John Noble was a fun addition as Daddy Holmes and some of the cases are fun and not your usual homicide. When Tony Curran showed up this season toward the end it added lots of tension, but I'm not sure I can do another season of this show. We'll see how bored I get.

Well, I'm so glad that's over with. The pilot was intriguing and I had to know who it was. Now I do. And I'm done. Meh. That last few seconds of the finale almost sucked me back with Henry Czerny, I mean who wouldn't want Conrad Grayson on their show, lol, but I'm not interesting in seeing Alex go undercover back at Quantico, because honestly, where else can you go with that show title?

Mind-Blown! I have no idea who to trust on this damn show, and that's half of the fun. I would have liked to see Doyle-Susan-Mellie fight it out a bit when it returns in September, but I'm looking forward to President Mellie Grant in the White House. Probably the only GOPer I'd vote for presently. Hahah. I thought the season overall was so strong that I didn't even care about Olitz anymore. Do you think Jake really wanted out or did Olivia fall for another Papa Pope trap?

Some of the early episodes were a bit strange, but the last half of the season has been on point. I love when they mix up the characters and have them interact with each other when they normally wouldn't have. Nothing major stands out except the finale. It was pretty damn funny.

I thought I would utterly hate this show without Elena but Bonnie became pretty badass again and for some reason I started to like Enzo, so go figure, right? One more season and it's done. I think I can stick around for that.

Another show I'm still not sure why I'm watching. I mean Hook is hot and all but I think it's Regina that keeps me hanging on. She's honestly the only one on the show who doesn't make stupid choices. Evil, sure, stupid, not usually. All the side characters I liked are gone now but I did see a few new ones in the Land of Forgotten Stories that could help the show next season.

While the show started off with lots and lots of cheese, it finally found it's stride about 5 or 6 episodes in. I LOVE J'onn J'onzz. So glad they're keeping him around. Even Lucy Lane and Cat are growing on me. The Flash crossover was Ah-Mazing so I'm very happy the show is coming back and to The CW. My favorite damn channel. Yes, it's true. I'm a 17-year-old fangirl inside. Always.

This is one of those fun, mindless TV shows that tries to be all suspense-y and brainy, but usually just ends up being fun and cheesy in all the right ways. I like the characters in this show. Half the time, I'm not paying attention to the story of the week because I know they will all get out of it in the end. More Ralph please! That kid is so cute.

I don't know how the hell they kept Shemar's exit such a secret, but well done. I really thought someone was going to die. It feels weird with Morgan gone, and I probably won't be watching this show regularly next season. I'm kind of murdered out.

How many shows have ended for you? Which were your favorites? How many are you giving up on? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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