February 26, 2009

Top Ten Reasons why You, Agent/Editor should take a chance on me! (humor)

Dear Agent/Editor,

Here's a little list on why you should represent/buy my books....

10. I write my own query letter, synopsis, bio, and novel.

Recently, I've read on blogs that there are services that will write a query or synopsis for you! UGH! First of all, I've spend HOURS researching the "Hows" and "Whys" of the query and synopsis. Then after learning what works and what doesn't, spent more hours writing, re-writing, reviewing, seeking feedback, and re-writing again. Are mine perfect? Nope, but I think they're good. So far, I've sent out at least 20+ partials based on a solid, well thought out query.

You need to summarize your story. Period. There is no way around it.

9. I know how to network, online and off.

Yes, writing is a solitary endeavor, but you need people to be successful. You need readers, author friends, reviewers, editors and agents and you need to know how to talk to them--network style.

At the NJRWA Conference, I ran around giving water to all the authors who were signing books at the fair. Will they all remember me? Probably not, but some did and we've become social network friends on places like facebook and myspace.

It's not all about facetime either. Lots of networking is done online. Have you twittered lately?

8. I belong to writers groups.

This sorta goes along with the networking, however, writers groups do more than just help you meet people. They can teach you how to write. They can help you with your problems. They can help you with the market as well. Sometimes they have inside knowledge. Not to mention the workshops and technical help they offer.

Writers love to talk about writing. They usually love talking about books too. Joining groups was the best thing I ever did. Wish I would have done it sooner!

7. I read agent/editor blogs...yes, probably yours!

It's hard to be trendy. In the publishing biz, Editors and Agents usually have the best buzz on what the next trend will be. After all, they are selling/representing the books. (Remember Steampunk? It's coming. Zombies are next!) While they may not always predict the trend, they see what's coming across their desk. Listen to them. You may just have something from 10 years ago that didn't sell but will now. You never know!

6. I love to read books too.

Granted, recently not as much as I would like to, but I definitely read more than I write. It only takes a day or two to devour a good book, but months and years to write them. If you want other people to read your books, you should read too.

5. I follow guidelines.

Go to any Editor or Agent blog and you'll usually find guidelines. Do what they say. Seriously. Nothing gets a quicker rejection than someone who doesn't pay attention to detail.

4. I know how to meet deadlines.

This comes from years of working in Customer Service. If you have problems remember when things are due, make yourself reminders in an online calendar. Most email services have them.

3. I have a website.

Sorry, in this day and age, you need a website. It doesn't have to be fancy. Heck it could even just be a blog, but have a presence online. Make sure you have a bio. Make sure you tell the website visitor what you do and write. Shout to the world that you're here and not stoping until you're published. Every writer should have a website!

2. I blog.

My blogs are a mix of pop culture and writing. Some people write about their lives, pets, families. Some of my favorite writers don't have blogs and I wish they did. The ones that do more often than not have a huge following! You don't need to have a blog to be a writer, but it shows the world that you write because it's in your blood, not because you just want to be on the NY Times Bestsellers’ list.

1. I write.

Obvious, I know. Then again, this was supposed to be funny and helpful. I know you write!

Now go, have fun. It's almost Friday.

February 25, 2009

Blogs, Blogs, OMG BLOGS!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, I don't know how I do it, but I have at least 90 blogs on Blogger that I attempt to read every day.

I also have about 100 friends on Livejournal and about another 100 or so on myspace. Thankfully, some are duplicates (like my blogs), and others are just feeds from news places like cnn, pw, media bistro, anime network...

But, in any given day I must read about 400 to 500 Blog headings. If I like the heading or think it has useful information, I will skim the blog. If it's a review on a book, I'll usually take a quick look. If it has anything to do with publishing, writing, agents, or editors, I will make the time to read it.

I can read fast. I'm also very good at skimming. I think this is the only thing that helps me get through as many blogs as I do.

Here are some you should follow or check out:

My writer friends:


Agent blogs:

Yes, everyone reads Nathan Bransford because he's the man (http://nathanbransford.blogspot.com/) but do you read these:


These are some other cool blogs I like to visit:


I have a bunch more. I don't want to bombard you with all of them, but you can see from my profiles:



February 23, 2009

Is it freakin spring yet?

After a few weeks of non-responses from agents/editors, I got three today. Bam! Right in a row. Of course they were all recently sent. So, I'm still waiting on the others.

I figure if I don't hear anything by the end of April, I'll send another email nudge...except for the two who already told me they haven't read anything yet.

I'm closer to decided on my next writing project. I actually have to ideas and I'm really not sure which one to pick.

1. Urban Fantasy/Paranormal with my type of demons and magic. Won't be your usual demons from the underworld...I've got a really neat twist on the idea. This would be something based on the short story I sold to Three Crows...though less "erotic" probably...more romancy.

2. Action/Suspense/Mystery with a group of private security professionals (bodyguards, just don't call them that), which would center around two main characters, a few minor characters, and at least one or two plots.

I really don't know which to do. Both could be the spring board for series. 1 would need world building. 2 would need research. I could get away with more in 1 than I probably could with 2.

Sometimes, when I can't figure out what to write, I think I'm having a writer's identity problem. That's not really true because I do love to write in all different genres. Previous post have listed everything I've written so far, so I won't bore you with the details.

Some say I'm doing myself a disservice by not picking one genre and sticking to it. Other say spread yourself out as far as you can until you hit it "big" with a "real" book contract. Ugh.

Making decisions is not Jenn's strong suit. Seriously. When I'm uncertain, making a choice is always hard for me. When I actually KNOW what I want, though, nothing can stand in my way. Weird, right? Such is the brain of Jenn.

So. I think I'm going to do some preliminary work on both 1 and 2 and see which one draws me in more. Fun.

I was able to get the Tiva books back into Word format, after about 8 hours of working on it. Yesh! What a chore. I have yet to decide what to do yet...ha...another decision! I really love Tiva's story and I know it has an audience already, I'm still getting asked by some people in my Role playing group, when it's coming out... *sigh* At this point, I could publish it myself. It's been professionally edited. I have a book cover and blurbs and what not. But, I think Tiva is worth more than Lulu. I probably won't do anything with it for at least another month or so while I write up a query and synopsis. I've already crossed a few publishers off my list because 1. the books are too damn long 140K and 150K, and it's Sci-Fi with Fantasy and there are some pubs that don't want the Sci-Fi part.

However, I've got my eyes open and watching calls for submissions all over the place for when I'm ready.

Wouldn't it be great if both Tiva and Lucky got picked up this year! *crosses fingers*

Quick TV recaps:
(possible spoilers)

BSG was pretty boring this week. Had some good stuff...eh, next week looks better.

I'm still not sure about Dollhouse. If she continues to sleep with everyone, I think I'm done.

Terminator, still loving this show.

The Oscars! Hugh was a great host. He's so cute. Not surprised Slumdog cleaned house. I was kinda ticked they didn't use all Indian dancers in the stage performance. Sorry...but Indian dancers do it best. Having watched a great number of Bollywood films, it's nice to see them start to get some recognition here in the US.

Surprised at Sean Penn's win, but good for him. He really is a fantastic actor. All in all, a good show. Loved DVRing through the commercials...except Tom and Jimmy. That was funny.

February 19, 2009

Published? Take a quick survey? Please? Pretty Please?

If you're published, in any format, would you kindly answer these questions?

What genre are you you published in?

What's your publishing house or magazine?

How much do you love them?

Do they take unsolicited manuscripts/stories?


February 18, 2009

Yes we know Jenn watches too much TV, but I have nothing to write...And survey!

No Gossip Girl this week. :-(
24 was good . I can't wait for the Chloe-Janis showdown. It's coming. I feel it.
Heroes is back on track once again. Finally. I didn't think they'd get out of that rut.

I've had to give up watching Biggest Loser...on TV. I watch the recaps online instead.
The Mentalist is just too fantastic. Very fun episode last night. Love the characters.
No Fringe, but that's okay, two hours of Idol.

Could have been one hour honestly. OMG. I think I cringed at half of the contestants.

Faves so far: Danny Gokey and Alexis Grace.

Why did Tatiana have to be decent? Why?

What happened to the rest of them? Jeeze, okay, I know a few of them were really nervous, you could see it in their faces and hear it in their voices. I get that they're on TV now and have to be uber good, but during Hollywood week they sung in front of 150+ people (granted all were contestants) but that studio probably only held about 100 or so people this week.

Was it Ted Danson? Or Doogie? Great thing about HDTV you can honestly see every damn face in the crowd.

I'll recap the rest of my TV shows on Friday. Probably. Cuz I know you just need to hear my opinion about them. LOL

My work load seems to be picking up. That's good. I hope we get busy. Go women! Buy nailpolish!

State and Federal tax refunds? Check.
Payment for short story sold? Check.
Pay day on Friday? Check!


Doing okay. It's rough out here.

I'm feeling internally anxious about my writing. I have this itch inside me that's dying to hear back from Agents/Editors that are reading my manuscript. I keep trying to tell myself no news is better than a big fat no. But is it really?

After this current round of readings for Lucky, I have to make a decision.

Should I continue querying agents? How about sending Lucky out to the slush pile? Or do I go with a smaller, print/epubs?

I know many of my writer friends are very happy with their smaller presses like Wild Rose or Samhaim. Would I be? I'm not sure.

My first published book went the POD route. I didn't know any better six years ago when I submitted it. Granted, no one else would have taken the book. It wasn't horrible, but not very well written nor edited.

I'm a stronger writer now than I was in 2001. In seven years, I better damn well be, right? Still, I'm not really sure what to do. So, why don't you help me?

Short survey:
What genre are you you published in?
What's your publishing house?
How much do you love them?
Do they take unsolicited manuscripts?

That's all, nothing else. I won't ask you for names or guidelines or anything like that, I'm just curious to see how people feel about other publishing houses out there that I'm not familiar with. I know or am friends,facebooked, or myspaced with many smaller pubs out there, but I want personal accounts.

I'm trying to dream big and reach for the stars, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to try to touch the clouds instead. :-)

Now, all I need to do is figure out what to write next.

I know what I won't write:
Vampires, shapeshifter, wolf-anything, secret-anything, magic kids, humor (cuz i'm not good at it), historical, steampunk (just can't), lawyers, PI's, cops, FBI, bounty hunters, oh, and Vampires. :-)

I have a demon/god type of story in my head, along the lines of the short story I just sold, but that seems to be over done now too.

Yes, yes, I know. Everything HAS been done. I've been beating my head against the wall trying to find a topic or creature or setting that doesn't have 1200 books tied to it. Not easy.

I've tried starting with the characters. The only ones that are bothering me right now are tied to this demon/god story. Ugh.

Should I stick with suspense/thriller like Lucky? Should I go back to Sci-Fi like Tiva? Should I write something different?

I don't know.

Everyone says you should stick with one genre. I've posted about this before too. My brain just doesn't work that way. I absorb so much of everything that I can't just pick one style to write.

I don't even have a preference in what I like to write. The "voice" of my short story is completely different from Lucky and Tiva. It's written in present tense (which I never do). It's first person (haven't done that since play nice), and it's all in the male POV. So, it's way out of the realm of what and how I normally write. I thought it came out great. A very interesting tone, manner of speech and thought came out on the page. I enjoyed writing it and at times surprised the hell out of myself.


I can't do it all. In fact, I don't want to do it all. I'd love to write horror one day. Urban Fantasy, paranormal (maybe), more Sci-Fi, you bet. More suspense/thrillers? Yep. All with a little bit of romance or sex in it...works for me.

Just wish it would work for someone else. heh.

The only ideas I have in my head right now are the demon/god thing and a group of bodyguards. Bleh.

So, I'll keep plugging away. Lightning will strike eventually.

ps. do my survey? please?

February 14, 2009

Feeling Bipolar...

The week started off great, I sold a story.

Then slowly, I felt the blahs settle in. Mostly writing blahs. It probably stems from editing all week and hearing feedback on the Lucky books. Some good, some not so good, some I'm just not sure how to take. This is the main reason I hardly post my stuff online for snippet contests and such.

You ever watch shows where you have a lot of questions and must wait for answers? (Like, LOST, Fringe, Heroes...etc) NOT having the answers keeps you watching right? So why do some readers wants answers to everything in the first page?

Note to self: Forgo snippet contest in the future.

I'm about 30 pages into editing Lucky #3. Having just come back from my writer's meeting, I'm actually looking forward to seeing how much of the workshop of rewriting rubbed off on me.

I will try to take the authors advice in the future and write my first draft all the way through. I do have a very bad habit of revising as I go, or after a chapter or scene is done. A new way might work. Can't hurt to try.

I watched Dollhouse last night. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Acting was good. Lots of people I like showed up in the first episode. Premise is interesting, but I sorta got the feeling, as of just this one episode, that it's a futuristic brothel. Echo's first...mission, or whatever, was a date with a biker guy.

So, I'm thinking they're going to take her character and make her a prototype kick ass chick for something. Then, it might get really interesting. If they keep making these girls go on dates I think they'll have a problem...

BSG! Awww, poor Anders. He's still damn cute with no hair. Nice to get some information flowing, but wow, what an info dump huh? I don't know how many more episodes are left, seems like it's coming down to the wire though. Nice twist with the 7th model Cylon. Wonder if he's already been on the show.

Survivor is back! I love me some Jeff Probst. He does a blog on EW the day after the show now. He's very funny. Who woulda thought? I haven't picked anyone out who I like yet. Give me until next week. :-)

Okay, enough messing around. I need to finish editing....

February 12, 2009


I'll start with the super awesome news. I sold a short story. Believe it or not, it's erotica.

I've had this weird story in my head for about a year. Didn't know what to do with it. Then I heard that Three Crows http://www.morriganezine.com/ wanted short story submissions. So, I wrote it. They accepted it!

I may actually expand on the idea and turn it into a novel (toning down the erotac part though). The story could be the prologue/free read eventually. Fun!

I entered the first 250 words of Lucky to the Secret Agent contest here: http://misssnarksfirstvictim.blogspot.com/2009/02/33-secret-agent.html

The comments are interesting. I'm not sure how much of it I should take to heart because it is a suspense novel...you can't have ALL the answers right up front, that takes away from the suspense...doesn't it? *Sigh* I'm not sure what to do yet. Kinda deflated the high of selling a story, but I'm trying not to let it bother me too much.

I'm halfway through editing Lucky #2, fixing things, making sure all the clues are in the right places...etc. Then onto Lucky 3. I hope to finish before I have to go back to work on Tuesday.

Haven't heard back from any Agents or Editors yet. I know they are all busy...doesn't help Jenn's anxiety. :-)

Tiva's new query is coming along. I plan on bringing it to my LSFW meeting to have it read over. It's not popping for some reason. I've read a few blogs about Agents looking for Sci-Fi again. I need to get on this ride before it stops off at the station!

This whole economy is scary. I won't dwell, but if my forced vacation keeps me working, I'm happy to do it. *crosses fingers* I love my job. I don't want to leave.

OK, back to fun.

Heroes seems to be back on track. I have more of an idea what's going on now. Seems Nathan's over his head, huh?

24 Ah, Jack. How I love your one liners. I've been waiting for the "Ask around" line for weeks. It delivered! *swoon*

All of my favorites made it to the top 36 in American Idol! Whee!

The Mentalist was fantastic this week. Had me and my brother rolling with laughter. LOVE this show. It is the best new show I've picked up in years.

Fringe = Love. I can't say anything bad, yet.

LOST gives me gray hair, but that's okay, I had plenty to start with. Many of the bloggers and fans out there put some of these clues together long ago, and they were right about a few things. I can't wait to see where the show ends.

I watched the Astronaut Farmer yesterday. What a great movie! It's been on my mental list to watch for a while, I'm glad I finally watched it. I still have Chapter 27 and Dewey Cox on the DVR. Along with Criminal Minds because I got my brother hooked on it and he wants to watch! Hehe. Evil sister manipulates brother with TV.

Back to editing. Happy Thursday Everyone!

February 9, 2009

Nerds? NERDS!

I proudly consider myself a nerd, geek, dork, whatever pop culture reference you want to put me under. Comic Book geek isn't one of them, but Trekkie, yes, which in some circles is worse.

New York Comic Con was HUGE this year. I went to the very first one. This time, it was organized and easy to find everything you wanted to find. One thing that kinda ticked me off, there were more vendors there selling their stuff than giving me free stuff!

Still, I walked out with about 14 free books. Two of which I may actually read. A ton of bookmarks and buttons, and a couple of catalogs.

My ex-roomie has all the pictures on his phone, I may post a couple tomorrow when he sends them too me.

Jin is alive! I saw him! He's even cuter in person.

I didn't stick around for the author signings because it was too late and I was too damn tired. Walking around and bumping into other nerds for three hours tires you out. Whew.

Onto other news:

BSG! HAHAHAH bye Gaeta, you fucker.

Smallville; Is Lana finally really honestly gone this time?

Supernatural: OMG that was the best scene between Sam and Dean I've seen yet. LOVED IT!

Ooh, it's Monday isn't it? This week off work thing is going to mess me up totally. That means Heroes and 24 tonight! Woot. Jenn is excited.

Jenn has finished blogging.

Jenn needs to edit, then go to the gym.

February 6, 2009

Frak me Friday!

I'll start off with the not so good news first.

I have to take vacation next week. All week. To help keep my job. Times are tough, everyone knows this, so I won't boo hoo you with my story. I still have a job. I love my job. I will do just about anything to keep it. So, I'm off next week.

That means I'm going to have PLENTY of time to edit, write, twitter, journal, blog, etc. Whee!

This is my writing plan:
Edit all three Lucky books one last time.
Reformat Tiva's books. Write query and synopsis.
Submit Tiva to Agents/Editors.
Follow up on Lucky Submissions, maybe send out some more.
Possibly revamp website (again).
Begin outline for new novel.

Work out every day.
Get hair cut.

Get mirror fixed on car.
Take car to inspection.

I'm going to be as productive as I can this week! Turn a not so good into a positive right?

Damn, it's cold. I seriously don't remember a cold winter like this since I was a kid. How do you thin people do it???


Gossip Girl: I seriously can't stop watching this show, I'm so in love with Chuck Bass. *swoon*
Heroes: I'm uber confused, but I'll go with it.
24: Still the best season so far!
American Idol: All of the kids I like are still there. Woot!
Fringe: Gets better each week.
(I missed my Criminal Minds and Mentalist this week. *sniffle*)
LOST: FanDAMNtastic, I love every second of this show right now.
Smallville: Get rid of Lana, please, it's so overdone. (I think she's great, her performance this week was great, but really, just let her go...we all know who Superman really loves.)
Supernatural: Mad Sammy is so much better than brooding Sammy. Dean is Dean, always will be Dean, so I will always love him.
Survivor comes back soon! Whee!
BSG Tonight. I hope someone kills Gaeta.

The Dollhouse is on tonight. I will record and watch. Big Fan of Josh, kinda like Eliza too. Terminator is coming back that day, thank god! I was worried I was going to have to stop watching it.


I'm going to the NY Comic Con on Sunday. My ex-Roomie is there already with his VIP passes! There's going to be a few authors there which means free signed books. Yay!

If you're going, let me know, maybe we can meet up!

February 3, 2009

25 things you might not know


Twenty-five things most people...probably don't know about me. (I'm kinda an open book anyway, so I'll try and dig deep.)

25. I'm afraid of spiders and not much else.

24. My brother and I have a weird ESP connection and we're not twins.

23. My confirmation name is Elizabeth. I picked it so my initals would be J. E. N. if I took out my real middle name, Lynn.

22. On that note, I changed Jen to Jenn in highschool because well, in 1974 Jennifer was the #1 name for girls, so just guess how many I had in my classes?

21. Between the ages of 9-13 I wanted my name to be Julie. When I turned 15 I wished my name was Sam. I haven't a clue why.

20. My brother and I used to make radio stations in our room when we were grounded. WKIDS, Kids Radio was our station!

19. I still have my Strawberry Shortcake and Cabbage Patch dolls from the 80's.

18. I sleep with a blankey. I roll it up under my head, on top of my pillow. I've washed it so many times, it's really just fabric without stuffing these days.

17. When I was 17 (heh), I almost tipped over my car the very first day I got my driver's license. And to this day, I swear that car had bullet holes in it.

16. I attemped to have a Sweet 16 Birthday party the day after my friends 15th birthday party. No one showed up.

15. I really do believe in aliens. I'm still waiting for them to show up.

14. I LOVE thunder and lightning storms.

13. If it's "popular" I probably know a little bit about it, no matter what the topic is.

12. I've never had a dream about any of the character's I've written about, no matter how hard I try. But my friends and family do. Go figure.

11. I taught my brother how to burp when we were kids. We both can do the alphabet in one burp.

10. I used to trade writing penalty letters for amended returns with friends at Paychex because I loved researching and writing them.

9. I lived in my car for a couple of weeks with my then boyfriend and my black lab puppy.

8. There are more divorces in my family than marriages.

7. One of my favorite words is incognito.

6. I've been working since the age of 14.

5. I can multi-task like a freak.

4. But sometimes, when I'm writing or zoned out, you can talk to me and I won't hear a word you say.

3. I've lost 140lbs since 2005 with Weight Watchers and working out.

2. I'm a tomboy, always have been, always will be.

1. I think you're fantastic for getting this far. :-)

I won't tag anyone, but feel free to post your own!

February 2, 2009


The first half of the Superbowl was...eh, all right. The last play...just wow! I really love those kinds of exciting plays. The second half had a bunch of them too. I love the three minute crunch. No one did it better than Joe Montana, but this game was one of the best in recent memory.

Hudson = Great
Springsteen = Pretty good for an old guy. (I hope everyone googles Glory Days and finds Irene Peterson's novel!)
Commercials = well, I'll get to that now.

I'm not digging The Land of the Lost trailer. Sure, it LOOKS pretty, but it's not supposed to be a comedy. I love you Will Farrell but stop fucking up old TV shows. Wasn't Bewitched enough? Next he's going to do I Dream of Jeanie. Ugh.

Angels and Demons. It doesn't look bad. I refuse to read the book because Code was...horrible, still I like the movie better, so I think I'll like this movie too. Plus it's got Hottie McObi aka Ewan McGreggor in it. LOVE him. I'll have to watch it now.

The new Star Trek trailer was all right. The Transformer one was pretty good, as was Monsters and Aliens. I'm looking forward to all three movies!

I actually enjoyed those flower commericals. Very funny, original!

Backtrack to Friday.

BSG. Fucking Gaeta. I hope someone chops off his other leg. Glad Starbuck is back kicking ass. Poor Sam. I think he needs me to give him a hug. Nice to see the characters go back to their normal selves for the most part.

I still think they're all Cylons or hybrids.

I'm digging the Fish on CSI. He's no Grissom, but he fits nicely with the cast. I'll keep watch.

Not sure how I feel about SuperLana, but the previews from next week lead me to believe she won't stay that way for long. I hear rumors on the web that Sammy is going to turn evilish before the end of this season of Supernatural. I have a feeling it'll be Dean will save him. I'd hate for it to be Ruby.

*Breaking News* My friend just told me there's a "Book your Valentine Reservations" sign at the White Castle. Really? If ANYONE ever brought me to WC for VDay...just...no.

Back to TV. My brother says I watch too many procedurals. Mentalist, CSI, 11th Hour, SVU, Criminal Minds. He says that all this stuff gets stuck in my head and I'll write about it, but it's been done. He's got a point, but I love a good mystery.

I watched the second episode of Lie to Me. Good stuff. I'll probably catch it over the summer break in full. I like Tim Roth. He's funny.

Here's some cool links for you.

Heroes is back today! YAY! Busy TV night.

February 1, 2009

Sample Chapters Online!

I posted four chapters of Lucky's Charm online! Please feel free to check it out and comment!!! http://tinyurl.com/aq5jx8